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Automation Templates
Jenny avatar
Written by Jenny
Updated over 10 months ago

Automations are perhaps some of Textline's most powerful features and as a result, they can lead to quite complicated setups. If you find that you're using a "baseline" Automation for many of your Automations or would like to have one Automation be copied and set up across different departments, then Automation Templates are for you. Note: Automation Templates are only on the Pro plan.

Automation Templates allow you to save an Automation you have built to become the basis for other Automations in your department or be copied to other departments. You do this by clicking on an existing Automation on the preview page and clicking the dropdown to the top right to Create as Template. This will create a template using the same name as your Automation. You can also create templates from scratch by heading to the Automation Template page and clicking on New Template.

Once you have your template built and saved, you can use it by building a new automation and selecting Build From Template on step 1 of the Automation builder.

Now, step 2 of the Automation builder will have you select which template to use and give you a preview of the template selected.

When building an Automation from a template, any changes you make to the Automation will NOT affect the template. If you build an Automation from a template and choose to save that Automation as a template, it will create a new template and not affect the original template.

You can edit existing templates by viewing them on the Automation Template list page and then clicking Edit Template to the top right.

We hope this article helps! If you have any questions, please text into Textline support at +1 (415) 849-4349 or email [email protected].

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