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How to cancel your account
Jenny avatar
Written by Jenny
Updated over 11 months ago

To deactivate your Textline subscription, head to your Plan & Billing page within the account settings. There you will see a button to change your plan or cancel your account. When you click the button to cancel your account, you will be warned about what canceling your account entails. If you continue to cancel, a confirmation will appear and you will get a chance to fill out a survey as to why you canceled.

If you are on a legacy or custom plan, you may not see the cancelation button. If you do not, follow the steps below:

  1. Have an Admin from your organization email [email protected] or text (415-849-4349) requesting to cancel your current Textline account.

  2. Once the admin for your account has reached out to the Support team and requested to cancel the account, we will proceed with the cancelation.

  3. After canceling, we will send your admin an optional cancellation survey.

The data that you have entered and settings you have configured in Textline will remain in case you would like to restore your account. If you would like to permanently remove your data, you can contact us to delete the personally identifiable information maintained about you on our systems.

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