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Announcement Stats
Jenny avatar
Written by Jenny
Updated over 2 years ago

Once you have sent your Announcement, head on over to your Running or Completed Announcements, find your Announcement, and click on Stats & Details to see how your announcement is doing or did.

Announcement Stats help Agents understand who their Announcement went to and how well it was received. To better understand this page, this document will help break down the various sections.


The first section of the Stats section is a count of the Contacts that you have selected to include in your Announcement. For most use cases, this data will not show until the Announcement is sent. Here are what the stats in this section stand for:


This is the number of Contacts that you selected when creating the Announcement or included in your CSV upload.


This is the number of Contacts we have sent your Announcement to. This is not a delivered count as that is dependent on the carrier. Some carriers send error notices (shown in the Delivery Errors stat below) or may not send anything.


This is the number of Contacts that you selected to include in your Announcement, but we did not attempt to send a message to. We did not attempt to send the Announcement to them because you have messaged them before and they are on your blocked list, have unsubscribed from your messages, or cannot receive SMS messages.


This is for those using a CSV to upload their Contacts. This is a count of the phone numbers that are not valid. Either they are not 10 digit phone numbers or lack a country code to denote a different number format.


Like the Contacts section, the Performance section will only show data once the Announcement is sent. The stats in this section are:


This uses the Sent information from the Contacts section and calculates the percentage by comparing it to the Total. The Sent count is the basis for the percentage calculations of the rest of the Performance statistics.


This statistic relies on the reply timeframe setting for the Announcement. It counts the incoming conversations from the Contact within the period of time set up in the Advanced Announcement Setting. If the first Conversation counted as a reply is resolved, ensuing conversations in the time period are not counted (we only count the first). It then takes that number and compares it to the Sent number to get the percentage.


This statistic also relies on the reply timeframe setting for the Announcement. It counts any unsubscribe requests from the Contact within the period of time set up in the Advanced Announcement Setting. It then takes that number and compares it to the Sent number to get the percentage.

Delivery Errors

When sending any SMS, carriers can respond with errors due to the sent message. We collect & count these responses and then compare them to the Sent number to get the percentage.


The final section of the Stats page is the Overview. This contains the status of your Announcement: Upcoming, Running, Completed, or Cancelled, when the Announcement finished sending (only populated when the Announcement has finished running), and the run time. If the Announcement is currently running, the run time will show the time elapsed from when the first message was sent to the current time.

Downloading Stats

Every stat in the Contacts and Performance sections can be downloaded. Simply click on the stat (which should be a hyperlink) and it will initiate a CSV export that will be emailed to you. The email will contain a link to download the CSV at your convenience. In the export, you will get details for each contact. For the Delivery Errors export, you will see the actual delivery error. For the Invalid Contact export, which is a stat for those uploading a CSV for their Announcement recipient list, the export will contain the same data you uploaded.

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