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Surveys: Preferred Language
Jenny avatar
Written by Jenny
Updated over a week ago

Textline has a field for Contacts in your Address Book called Preferred Language. This field lets you, the Agent, know what language is the best for the Contact. This field can help sort Contacts into groups using Advanced and Saved Searches. When it comes to Textline's Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys, Textline can also send Contacts the survey in their preferred language. Textline can only do this for a few languages (listed below) right now and if we do not have a translation for their preferred language, we will default to English. An important note is that if you are using the optional fields in your survey (introduction, follow-up message, variable responses (NPS), and final message (CSAT) we are not translating those, and they will be sent as you have them entered. You may want to reword them to cover all of the languages you will use or build a survey for each language.

To enable the feature, head to your survey's settings page and click on the check box next to Preferred Language in the table.

Now that you better understand how Preferred Language interacts with the NPS and CSAT surveys, let us now dive into the languages set up and the messages in each.



Main Question

How likely are you to recommend Company or Product Name to a friend? From 0 (not likely) to 10 (very likely).

Explanation Question

Tell us a bit more about why you chose the score given.

Spanish, Castilian

Main Question

¿Cuán probable es que recomiende Company or Product Name a un familiar o amigo? De 0 (Muy improbable) a 10 (Definitivamente lo recomendaría).

Explanation Question

Cuéntanos un poco más sobre por qué eliges score given.



Satisfaction Question

How was your recent conversation with Company or Product Name? 1 (Terrible) - 5 (Amazing).

Effort Question

How was your agent from Company or Product Name? 1 (Terrible) - 5 (Amazing).

Spanish, Castilian

Satisfaction Question

¿Cómo fue tu conversación reciente con Company or Product Name? 1 (Terrible) - 5 (Increíble).

Effort Question

¿Cómo fue tu representante de Company or Product Name? 1 (Terrible) - 5 (Increíble).

We hope this article helps! If you would like to request our surveys in another language or if you have any questions or comments, please reach out to Textline support at +1 (415) 849-4349 or [email protected].

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