If you are using Textline's Secondary Consent (Pro and HIPAA) feature, but you already have some Contacts who have given you consent, you can manually override collecting their consent using the Textline Secondary Consent feature using the Manual Override feature on the conversation dashboard. You must be on the Pro or HIPAA Pro plans to use this feature. Read on to learn more about the feature.
HIPAA Note: By overriding consent, you confirm that you have collected a patient’s explicit consent to communicate Protected Health Information (PHI) over SMS and that you have notified them that SMS messages may not be secure. Textline will not take any liability for consent that has been overridden using the Manual Override utility.
Manual Override
To manually override consent on a per-contact basis, you must first turn on the setting. You can do this in your organization's security settings for Secondary Consent.
Next, you'll need to pull up the contact on the conversation dashboard. You can do this by starting a new message with the contact or by searching for an existing conversation. Once you have found the contact, if the contact has not responded to the consent request, you will notice that the composition bar (where you usually type out a message to the contact) has been replaced with a change consent notice.
From here you can:
Resend consent
Manually give consent
Manually reject consent
If you select that the contact gave consent externally, you can begin messaging the contact. Rejecting consent or resending consent will require the contact to give consent via SMS and you will not be able to message the contact until they do.
Required role permission
One important note is that while manually overriding consent may be turned on, only users with the role permission of "Can manually set consent" can import consent. To make sure your roles are configured correctly, head to the roles page.
Please note: Consent acquired using the automated Secondary Consent feature is the default method. If a customer has already consented using the feature and then you import their consent, Textline will reference the initial Consent.
If you accidentally import consent for a Contact, you will need to manually unsubscribe and resubscribe the Contact. You can do this on the Contact's details page.