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Mass importing contacts
Jenny avatar
Written by Jenny
Updated over a week ago

If you'd like to import your list of contacts into your Textline Address Book from your CRM or contact list, you can via a CSV. This provides a quick and easy way to update your Address Book with your contacts.

1. Download the template spreadsheet (below) and open it using Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, or your favorite spreadsheet application.

2. Copy your contacts' information into the spreadsheet, making sure to maintain the correct column headers (Name, Phone Number, Email, Tags, etc.) that the sample spreadsheet includes. If you have Custom Address Book Fields, make sure the column headers match your field titles exactly and add those columns to this spreadsheet. You can include the following information in the spreadsheet:

  • Name: First and last name [Do not separate first and last name into two columns]

  • Phone: Mobile phone number

  • Email: Email address

  • Tags: Tags [Multiple Tags can be added to each contact, separated in the spreadsheet by a space. See more on Tags below.]

  • Tags Handling: If uploading a list of Contacts that already exist in Textline and have Tags entered in the previous column, use the values add, remove, or replace in the Tags Handling column to tell Textline how you would like us to handle the Tags you have entered. The default functionality is replace, so adding Tags and leaving this field empty will replace any Tags currently in Textline for this contact.

  • Preferred Language: Set the preferred language for this contact. Head over here for the values you can use.

  • Archived: Set this field to 1 (yes) or 0 (no) if you would like to have the contact archived when imported.

  • Custom Fields: Information of your choice, input into the spreadsheet in the format you selected while creating the field in the Address Book. If you're using a custom checkbox field, make sure the values in the column are 1 for checked, 0 or blank for unchecked.

3. Export the spreadsheet as a CSV file.

4. Sign in to Textline and select the Address Book.

5. Select the Import button and upload the CSV file you created.

Please note that the system will still not allow duplicate phone number entries in the Address Book. If you attempt to change a contact's number to one already in the system, you'll receive an error message.

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